Gives information on a range of issues including perinatal mental health problems from seeing and hearing people’s real life experiences.  There is information on dealing with difficult times. We hope that seeing interviews with people can be particularly helpful and reassuring as know that other people are going through the same and things can get better.


BabyCentre UK

This is a general site which deals with everything from pregnancy through to toddlers and pre-schoolers .  It has a useful section ‘For You’ which offers information and advice on post natal depression, nutrition after birth, sex and relationships and so on in an easy to read and accessible format, although with adverts


Birth Trauma Association

This site supports all women and their families who have had a traumatic birth experience.  In addition to offering helpful information they also provide email details for a range of women and men who have either suffered from or supported women in this situation, along with professional counsellors. 


BBC Health

This is a regularly updated website showing all sorts of news and commentary on health. It will give you the latest news on health issues and also acts as a database to look up any news items on postnatal depression or perinatal mental health problems


Elaine Hanzak

Elaine Hanzak wrote the book, ‘Eyes without Sparkle-a journey through postnatal ilness’.  Hers is a moving story and she has used her experiences to develop herself as a motivational speaker.  She has spoken at a previous Angela Harrison Charitable Trust Study Day